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Bylaws and Governance Committee

Committee Charge




Committee Community Page

Committee Charge

The Bylaws and Governance Committee:

  1. Reviews and studies the Bylaws and Standing Rules and recommends amendments and changes to either document to the Board of Directors or Executive Committee in between regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors.
  2. Receives and process all proposed amendments to the Bylaws and Standing Rules received from members and units of the Association. The Committee will edit any proposed amendments to state them in proper form but will not change the intent of the proposed amendment.
  3. Makes recommendations to the Board of Directors or Executive Committee in between regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors regarding proposed amendments to the Bylaws and Standing Rules.
  4. Gives notice of proposed amendments to Bylaws and Standing Rules to the members of the Association and/or membership in advance of the Annual Meeting when the proposed amendments will be considered.
  5. Checks the operating procedures of the standing and working committees including special interest groups to insure that they are not in conflict with the Association.
  6. Assures that all proposed amendments to the Bylaws and Standing Rules for membership vote shall be accompanied by an information statement to provide a factual background or statements for and against the proposed statements.


Committee members serve three year terms.

Committee Members

David McFadden, Southwestern Law School, Chair, (2023-2026)
Heather Cousin, Torrance Public Library (2023-2026)

Hillary Theyer Monterey County Free Libraries (2021-2024)
Derek Wolfgram Redwood City Public Library  (2023-2026)


David McFadden, Committee Chair: